Linear Actuators - Moving Shaft
Moving Shaft Actuators are direct drive linear servo motors or motorized screws actuators with moving center shaft. These actuators have short working stroke ( 5 to 300 mm) and high resolution (to 0.1 microns) and allow user precision positioning and force controls.

Motorized Screw stages
M-Thrust Motorized Screw actuators offer backlash-free motion of the shaft with load capacity 70 N, travel range to 100 mm with resolution 0.1 micron

Force/Position Control actuators
I-Force linear actuators incorporate core-less and hysteresis-free specialty linear motors with precision spline ball bearing. Built-in linear encoder delivers 1 micron precision. Actuators deliver peak force up to 450 N, working stroke 25 mm and force control to 1 gram.

High Frequency Linear Actuators
Linear actuators with direct drive linear brushless servo motors offer high rigidity and high acceleration capabilities, The motor has very low electrical time constant and zero hysteresis. These actuators developed for the high-frequency motion of short strokes.