Motorized Belt XY-XYZ systems
Automation Series XYZ robotic arm, XYZ gantry and XYZ desktop robot with Motorized Belt actuators.

Vertical XY gantry Type1 BEMA-W60-1500x1500
Stroke 1,500x1,500 mm
Load 15 Kg
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

Vertical XY gantry Type2 BEMA-W60-1500x1500
Stroke 1,500x1,500 mm
Load 15 Kg
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XY Gantry BEMA-W45-300x300
Stroke 300 x 300 mm
Load 10 kg
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XY Gantry BEMA-W45-600x600
Stroke 600 x 600 mm
Load 10 kg
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XY Gantry Open Frame BEMA45-300x300
Stroke 300x300 mm
Aperture 300x300 mm
Table top 380x380 mm
Load 15 Kg

XY Table BEMA-M45
Travel 100x100 to 300x300 mm
Load 8 kg
On-axis Repeatability 100 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XY stroke 300x300 mm
Open center 280 mm
Rotation unlimited
Load 10 Kg

XYZ GANTRY BEMA-60-1000x1000x300 (15)
Stroke 1000x1000x300 mm
Load 15 kg
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XYZ Gantry BEMA-W45-300x300x100
Stroke 300x300x100(300) mm
Load 5 kg (Z)
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XYZ Gantry BEMA-W60-1000x1000x300
Stroke 1000x1000x300 mm
Load 30 kg (XY), 2 kg (Z)
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XYZR Gantry BEMA-W60-1000x1000x220x360
Stroke XYZ 1000x1000x220 mm
Rotation 360 (4th axis)
Load 30 kg (XY), 3 kg (Z-R)
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XY Gantry BEMA-W45-1000x1000
Stroke 1000 x 1000 mm
Load 10 kg
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism

XY Gantry BEMA-W45-1500x1500
Stroke 1500 x 1500 mm
Load 10 kg
Repeatability 50 microns
Synchronized belt mechanism